Mail Server Security Update

On, Monday, November 5th 2018, PSAB will be running on a newer, secure mail server. The mail server will require some setting changes. These changes can be done now and you do not have to wait until the server gets locked down. We suggest that you try switching your settings before Monday and opening a ticket if you have any issues.

Currently, there are two versions of Outlook running within the PSAB office. This is because Microsoft pushes updates at staggered intervals and not all of the computers have received the latest updates. Below you will find two sets of instructions as they are different depending on the version of Outlook you are using. The very first page of the instructions will help you to identify which set of instructions you should follow.

Old Outlook Version
New Outlook Version

Please be advised that IT will no longer support cell phones, either company or personal. The primary reason for this is that most cell phones will require a the latest operating software and
older cell phones may not be able to run the latest version. Therefore, some cell phones may not be able to connect to a secure mail server. As a courtesy, the following link contains the settings for webmaster @ on an iPhone. For those staff that would like to try and connect to the new server, you are welcome to review the settings. Again, though, IT will not be supporting cell phones for Email and we are providing these screen shots as a courtesy only.

Sample iPhone Settings for Secure Mail Server Access

If you attempt to make the required changes to your desktop computer and have any issues, please open a ticket and a technician will assist you as soon as possible. We are providing these instructions ahead of time so that IT has time to support staff members that encounter issues between now and November 5th.